Chinese Zodiac & Star SignChinese sign: Tiger
Chinese element: Fire
You have an impulsive nature. You have a charming personality. You are a leader and motivator. People get attracted to you easily. You are focused on you ideals and none can succeed in changing you mind. You are sure about your decisions. You are aggressive and love to explore the known. You are made for challenges. You may be dominating and ambitious.
Ruling planet: Uranus
Positive traits: You are born leaders and have an infectious zeal for life. You are very lovable people and have a magnetic personality. You may be sensitive in nature. You have a short span of concentration and get bored very easily. You are a symbol of power and passion. You love adventures and love taking risks. People are impressed by your rebellious and unpredictable ways. You are never lazy and very hard working. You are an authoritative figure and everyone tends to respect and follow you. You have a lot of nervous energy and if directed in the correct direction, you can achieve anything next to impossible. You are noble and dignified. You have a magnetic and intense personality. You are outspoken and straightforward. They are very courageous and self-assured.
Negative traits: You have a very short temper and are branded as rebels. You may be stubborn and not ready to listen to anyone. Mood swings are common and depression may occur. You like being in control at any cost. You are very ambitious. You act very badly under pressure. You may be forceful in nature. You are selfish and aggressive. You have a self-indulgent personality. You have a big ego and need to be noticed. You hate anything conventional and always question rules made by others. They like to make all the rules.
Lucky Color: Green
GemStone: Sapphire
Energy: Yang (Negative) *There must be some mistakes, Yang shud be +ve n Ying is -ve
Lucky Seasons: Early Spring
Lucky Month: February
Most Compatible Sign: Horse, Dog
Least Compatible Sign: Monkey
Famous Personalities Born Under this sign: Tom Cruise, Stevie Wonder, Oscar Wilde, Karl Marx, Ludwig van Beethoven, Demi Moore *o_O
Star Sign: Aries
Element: Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
Positive Traits: You may be pioneers in your fields and developers of new technologies and ideas. You are self reliant and independent. You are courageous and fear none. You have a quick and analytical mind. You are very energetic and full of zeal. You like competitiveness and challenges. Your ideas are original and innovative. You may be a bit too assertive by nature, in fact to the extent of being aggressive. You are leaders and have this strong drive to forge ahead. Enthusiasm in what you do is a must. You are open minded and flexible to new ingenious ideas. You have a dynamic nature that attracts people. You are always eager to start new ventures. You are frank about your views and do not believe in talking behind people's backs.
Negative Traits: You may be arrogant and domineering. You have a short and violent temper that may cause many fights. You may be self-centered and expect people to acknowledge it. You are intolerant to even the most minor mistakes. You are very impulsive and may take the wrong decisions in the heat of the moment. You are reckless and always looking for action. Your own needs are more important to you than others' needs. You are impatient with people. Your egoistical nature is bound to get you into trouble. You are scared of being rejected. You are headstrong and stubborn. You are easily offended and hold grudges.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Color: Red
Lucky Day: Tuesday
Compatibility: Leo & Sagittarius
Famous Personalities Born Under this Sign: William Wordsworth, Thomas Jefferson, Leonardo Da Vinci, Marlon Brando, Charlie Chaplin
BirthStone: Diamond
Quality: Cardinal