ColdCareless, card charge statement wuz left on muh desk. I simply forgotten it on my messy desk till we received a call from bank. Mom insisted on deposit cheque for credit card account cuz we left few days till card suspension. I grab my bro to follow me along, his big mouth sometimes is not accurate but in fact we did realize it's goin to rain from faraway. I said, "well... we might be able to finish d business before rain pours on us?". We travelled by motorbike, I wuz d driver since bro said he wanna confront d fear of riding with me = = for him having few road accidents said such thing iz funny. Me? I'm even funny, I've no record of road accident, but rather Motorbike Exam Accident LOL. Okie, we were almost reached our destination and rain started ta drop from da sssky. The very drop dropped on his not on his big mouth. No problem, small rain wouldn't kill us hahaz...... who knows the next minutes raining cats and dogs at us. We were "fall chicken soup", so cold.....bullets striked heavily on me as I've driven faster. It's even cold in d bank, I felt like I wet muh pantz =( "wat'cha looking at~!" Since we were all wet edi, so let's go back home. Muh hands've frozen, lucky da road iz straight ^.* just need ta adjust abit while turning corners. 9th Emperor has rain at wrong period, so hardworking lately. Hope everyone is cautions on road, especially during rainy day.....