Jason Elwyn CSI Cheryl JasJas RYL.net

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Continue MAPCU
However.......Sunway is still doing fine this year. Our "old VU player" has won the overall performance and total pin falls as second runner up. We've got champ for team, individual 2 students top 12 qualified to play master and 1 got 2nd place. Sunway wasn't paying for nothing then........we've been training with an average of 4-5 games each person few dayz back before MAPCU started and sunway settled those payments. There were quite some pressure from our leader and the team manager, pushing everyone's score above than usual. After the end of MAPCU, the manager told us they've a budget of RM20 for each of us to order food, all decided Sushi King. I ordered a set meal cost RM19.90 curry udon noodle + RM0.10 for another carlifornia roll sushi = =" should I be tat mean?

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