Jason Elwyn CSI Cheryl JasJas RYL.net: Euro Fun Park...

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Euro Fun Park...

Weee.......I've gone to Euro Fun Park, some sort of fun-fair beside 1utama with my old pals. It's nice to go out with them once a while, I feel relax, happy, to meet everyone, confide past experiences, and of course entertainment. Afterall, this is one of those activities I've participated once in a bluemoon wif my "family" and the only activities which I go out for rather than just staying at home....all the time. I can throw all my nerves back on my head with them, even for awhile....that would be enuff. I enjoyed those moments with them, I would like to appreciate friendship with all my friends. Some people asked what is friend? The definition? For me, I would say some one who will care for you and knowing each other? I guess it is this simple......wat else people expecting for? Friendship is nominal.......it is not quantifiable but valuable n we shall appreciate it or someone'll regret being alone. I'm so looking forward for my next "family activities".

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